Voyage of Terror: The Achille Lauro Affair (1990) [Upgrade]


1985, Alexandria. A group of Palestinian terrorists of the PLO embarks on the Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro with the purpose of reaching Haifa and perform a suicide mission against Israel. However, when they’re found out during the trip, they decide to hijack the ship and take all passengers in hostage: Among them are Mr. Leon Klinghoffer, a disabled Jewish-American, and his wife Mrs Marilyn Klinghoffer. Given the situation, the terrorists change their purposes, asking for the liberation of almost 50 other Palestinian terrorists detained in Israel, but both Egypt and Israel refuse to negotiate.

Director: Alberto Negrin.
Stars: Burt Lancaster, Eva Marie Saint, Robert Culp, Renzo Montagnani, Rebecca Schaeffer, Brian Bloom, Dominique Sanda, Bernard Fresson, Joseph Nasser, Yossi Ashdot, Maurizio Benazzo, Jochen Horst, Saïd Amadis, Adriana Innocenti.


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One Comment

  1. October 24, 2023

    I have been looking for this movie for so long. An excellent film, with excellent acting. Thank you for posting this movie

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