rarefilmm | The Cave of Forgotten Films Posts

November 19, 2020 / Experimental

Clepsydra is an ancient Greek water clock (literally, “to steal water”). This film envisions the strip of celluloid going vertically through a projector as a sprocketed waterfall (random events measured in discreet units of time), through which the silent dreams of a young girl can barely be heard under the din of an irresistible torrent, an irreversible torment.

November 19, 2020 / Mini-Series

While the prestigious Cannes Film Festival goes on around him, American movie producer Jesse Craig struggles to develop a pitch-worthy thriller about a terrorist plot. Before long, Craig becomes concerned that a shocking act of real-life terrorism already may be underway. Meanwhile, radical actor Bret Easton works in cahoots with a group of extremists to coordinate the hijacking of a trio of passenger planes in a devastating, multi-city nuclear attack.

November 19, 2020 / Theatre

A young man returns home from Vietnam blind. He is very bitter about the war and alienates his family and friends. This movie deals with the aftermath of war and how people react to it both veterans and their families.

November 19, 2020 / TV Movie

Horrendous acts of sexual abuse were discovered at Miami’s Country Walk Day Care Center in 1984. The ensuing investigations required unprecedented work and a pair of University of Miami psychologists were called upon for assistance. This case paved the way for a successful legislation in the protection of children during court proceedings and mandatory finger printing of adults who work with young children.

November 19, 2020 / Drama

Cageman is a focused social critique of a uniquely Hong Kong phenomenon: in this city with the world’s most unequal wealth and income gap, many unfortunate middle-aged men can’t afford the most basic lodging, and live in low-rent cages inside squalid tenements. Cageman is a microcosm of Hong Kong, where most citizens must live squeezed into incredibly dense neighbourhoods, prey to monopolistic ‘tycoons’ – the (Chinese government-supporting) land-owning billionaire class – while nevertheless enjoying a way of life that, despite its frictions, forges a uniquely communal, indomitable ‘spirit of Lion Rock’.

November 19, 2020 / Comedy

In this musical, agriculture professor Jane Colwell is seeking a quiet getaway when she takes her prized mule off to visit an Ozarks farming community. But upon arrival she is stunned to discover a film crew diligently at work on a new movie. Soon, Jane and her mule companion are swept up in the filmmaking frenzy. While the photogenic mule upstages the production’s human star, Jane finds herself falling for the feature’s dashing producer.

November 19, 2020 / Drama

Gang Leader Dutch Malone goes on a hunting trip and is in a car wreck and is confined to the hospital, without the knowledge of any of his gang members. District Attorney Brady induces taxidermist Peter Winkly, who is an exact double for Malone,to impersonate Dutch and assume leadership of the gang. Winkly “takes over” the gang and only Rita, Dutch’s girl friend, has any suspicion that he is not really Dutch. But Dutch sees a newspaper showing him out on the town, escapes from the hospital and is on his way to look up the impostor.

November 19, 2020 / Drama

Dr. Tom O’Hara takes over a public clinic in New York’s desperately poor Bowery section. Boy gangleader Sock Dolan resents Tom’s interference in moving Sock’s kid brother to a hospital, because Sock blames hospitals for his mother’s death. Sock helps racketeer J.R. Mason sell food to the clinic, unaware that Mason sells cheap and often tainted food. When a number of patients, including Sock’s brother, become ill from food poisoning, Sock is kidnapped by Mason to keep him silent. Dr. O’Hara must find a way to rescue Sock and stop Mason’s contamination of hospital food supplies.