Category: Adventure

May 16, 2024 / Adventure

Intrigued by the mysterious, primitive, human-like creature captured on film roaming the wilds of Africa, Lord Carter organises a scientific expedition to the Dark Continent to find out if there is such a thing as a human ape. There, amid ferocious beasts and blood-thirsty cannibalistic tribes, the ambitious explorers find not one but two rare specimens: undefeated Karzan, the mighty lord of the jungle, and fierce Shiran, his untamed mate. However, capturing the wild couple is easier said than done, and before long, the white invaders get what’s coming to them. Will they manage to catch savage Karzan and wild Shiran and lock them in a zoo cage?

March 4, 2024 / Adventure

Factions of French and Portuguese face off in an attempt to colonize Brazil. A Frenchman is held captive by a tribe allied with the French that, despite the insistence of the man that he is French, mistakenly believes him to be Portuguese. The brother of the tribe’s chief was murdered by the Portuguese, and the tribe intends to eat the Frenchman as revenge. The man is given a wife and made to assimilate into the tribe, even with his impending demise.

December 25, 2023 / Adventure
November 18, 2023 / Adventure
October 5, 2023 / Adventure

Young Sabu is a happy stable boy in the kingdom of Samukan, in charge of taking care of the Caliph’s elephant. Searching for a lost diamond, he finds instead a mysterious ring which, unbeknownst to Sabu, conjures up a genie when he rubs it.

May 16, 2023 / Adventure

After Liptus arrives in a small village from the city, he calls his best friends, Miron and Melita, on winter holidays in Kopacevo. That same night, while they are all sleeping cozily, from their deep sleep Miron and Melita are woken by the disturbing sounds of villagers, carrying flares and disappearing into the darkness at the end of the street. At the docks, they find Halasz, a boy known for his bravery. He is cold, pale from shock, and babbling a white ghost. While most of the villagers don’t believe Halasz’s story, older citizens recall a long time ago when a forgotten spirit would scare people at night in dark and foggy swamps.

December 29, 2022 / Action

In this tale of adventure and espionage, Charlie Case is a star gymnast whose father, Richard Charles, is an international spy. Richard has discovered the launching codes to a number of Ukrainian missiles, which he’s trying to keep from falling into the hands of enemy terrorists. Charlie unwittingly becomes involved in Richard’s schemes, and when a Soviet agent threatens the safety of her mother and brother in attempt to get the codes, she must leap into action to save their lives.

May 27, 2022 / Action

CIA agent Derek Carpenter is dispatched to Peru to track down former revolutionary-turned-drug lord Luis Montana. Once there, matters become complicated when he becomes embroiled in a turf war between Montana and another faction led by the seductive Elena, and doubly so when he falls for Montana’s daughter.