Occasional Coarse Language (1998)


Min is a young woman who loses her job, her boyfriend and her flat on the same day, throwing her life into chaos. Fortunately her best friend Jaz, comes to her rescue and finds her a new flat with a seemingly nice male student, as well as a new job. A boyfriend takes much longer though, and the two girls discuss life, love and sex throughout the film, as they try to make ends meet in inner-city Sydney in the mid-90s.

Director: Brad Hayward.
Writer: Brad Hayward.
Stars: Sara Browne, Astrid Grant, Nic Bishop, Michael Walker, Lisa Denmeade, Michelle Fillery, Belinda Hoare, Shannon Faith, Scott Hailstone, Samantha Wellington, Tai Scrivener, Scott Moon, Brian Hawkins, Dyanne Dray, Barry Divola, Louisa White, Nadia Townsend, Dana Patten, Melissa Anthony, Dove Wiseman, Lisa Humphries, Jackie Malley, Robin Mann, Cecelia Yates, Rachael Gorham, Louise Alston, Hillary Henness, Brett Hunt, Felicity Price, Ben Livson, Judity Barry, Gerard Barry, Nathan Laycock, Daniel Dubauskas, Brad Hayward, Randall Foote, Tracey Foote, Angela Catterns, Ugly Phil O’Neil.
Cinematographer: John Biggins.

Interview with director Brad Hayward and actresses Sara Browne and Astrid Grant, aired on The Movie Show (SBS, 1998):


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  1. Marisa
    June 24, 2023

    Thank you! I have found it impossible to get a copy of this film after I lost my VHS copy and previous online searches yielded nothing. So glad I got to watch this again. Such a fun Aussie movie.

  2. Ben
    July 30, 2023

    Well that was a delight. And a stellar soundtrack. Cheers.

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