Tag: 1990s

May 21, 2024 / Documentary

Journey into Life follows the struggles of three concentration camp survivors-Yehuda Bacon of Israel, Gerhard Durlacher of the Netherlands, and Ruth Kluger of the United States-in rebuilding their lives after World War II. In on-camera interviews, these extraordinary individuals discuss their childhood memories of Auschwitz, internment in Displaced Persons camps, and their search for a new homeland after World War II. Using U.S. Army archival film footage to illustrate these powerful stories, Mitscherlich’s film focuses on the subjects’ attempts to cope with the psychological trauma of their experiences and to comprehend the meaning of the Holocaust.

May 15, 2024 / Thriller

An Italian movie crew goes to London to see a very close friend of the director, Tilda Swinton, who leads them on the trail of an actual event that took place a few years before – about two teenagers who murdered a complete stranger simply to prove themselves that they had the courage to do it.

May 15, 2024 / Documentary

This film is a moving blend of blues music and images recounts the journey of the millions of African-Americans who made their way from the Mississippi Delta to cities in the North during the 1930s and 1940s. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short.

May 14, 2024 / Drama
May 14, 2024 / Arthouse

A film set in a small Polish village in the ’60s that deals with a young girl’s awakening sexuality. Mala, about 13, lives with her unmarried mother and has a boyfriend of her own age. The village is sent into a turmoil by the arrival of the clan of Gypsies, who set up camp in the field. Gypsies are ostracized and damned as ‘devils’ by the conservative villagers. Mala is attracted to the Gypsies…

May 14, 2024 / Animation

Originating from the filmmaker’s childhood confusion over an English expression regarding sex, Marie Paccou’s 1998 animation is the absurd, yet emotive tale of a woman who wakes one day to find a small man growing out of her abdomen. Telling her surreal story through sketchy black-and-white animation, complemented by a philosophical voiceover, at the center of Un Jour is a thought-provoking metaphor that is bound to provoke many different readings.

May 14, 2024 / Animation

Through a meaningful hail of bullets, flying glass and bloodshed, this animated film poses many profound questions about watching and responding to TV violence. Its images and sounds are disturbing and provocative, forcing viewers to examine what, why and how they watch TV, and to examine the effects of television violence on themselves and others.

April 5, 2024 / Action

When a naïve young man and his lazy best friend attempt to rob a bank, they find another robber has beaten them to the punch. After the original robber and the best friend are killed, the young man serendipitously gets the 80 million yen. But when he accidentally stabs an innocent hairdresser, a cause-and-effect situation quickly spirals out of control. Meanwhile, a trio of yakuzas mistakenly kills a powerful mob boss. As their paths continue to cross, the story displays some interesting parallels about just-out-of-reach redemption and the unlikelihood of atoning for one’s sins, all delivered in a black comedy package.