Marat/Sade (1967) AKA The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum at Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade


The Marquis de Sade is locked in the Charenton mental hospital and decides to put on a play. His overseers agree as long as he follows certain conditions. He writes and directs the other mental patients in a play based on the life of the Jean-Paul Marat. As the play progresses, the inmates become more and more possessed by the violence of the play and become extremely difficult to control. Finally, all chaos breaks loose.

Director: Peter Brook.
Writers: Peter Weiss (play), Geoffrey Skelton (English translation by), Adrian Mitchell (verse & screen adaptation).
Stars: Patrick Magee, Ian Richardson, Michael Williams, Clifford Rose, Glenda Jackson, Freddie Jones, Hugh Sullivan, John Hussey, Jonathan Burn, William Morgan Sheppard, Jeanette Landis, Robert Langdon Lloyd, John Steiner, James Mellor, Henry Woolf, John Harwood, Leon Lissek, Susan Williamson, Carol Raymont, Mary Allen, Mark Jones, Brenda Kempner, Maroussia Frank, Tamara Fuerst, Sheila Grant, Lynn Pinkney, Ian Hogg, Ruth Baer, Michael Farnsworth, Guy Gordon, Michael Percival, Jennifer Tudor, Heather Canning, Tim Hardy, Stanford Trowell.
Cinematographer: David Watkin.
Composer: Richard Peaslee.

English, Italian, Spanish & French subtitles are available for this film, to enable them on the video player click on the cogwheel, click on the last option (субтитры), and finally, select the language of your preference.


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RIP Glenda Jackson (1936-2023)

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    July 29, 2023

    I saw this onstage with the same cast. “Gloriana” (in her trance states here) was already a force to be reckoned with as was the production as a whole piece. Such good memories…

  2. July 29, 2023

    Great to see this here! I first tracked it down from an off-air VHS as a teenager and last came across it over a decade ago in a dreadfully pinked print at the ICA in London. A fascinating and unique film..

  3. Allan Morris
    October 20, 2023

    There is never any doubt that this is a filmed record of the play and not I think a film in its own terms. The cast includes some of the best actors of the time and they are all excellent. Glenda Jackson stands out for me and not to forget Patrick Magee. The long Marat song later to be included in a Judy Collins album (which is where I first heard it )is a rousing anthem for the downtrodden

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