In this gay classic from acclaimed filmmaker Ira Sachs, 18-year-old Lincoln Bloom leads a relatively straight teenage life, but finds himself drawn to the anonymous sexual encounters of local gay bars and video arcades. He soon meets Minh, a Vietnamese immigrant, and embarks with him on a trip down the river, where their doomed relationship hits a dramatic turning point.
Director: Ira Sachs.
Writer: Ira Sachs.
Stars: Shayne Gray, Thang Chan, Rachel Zan Huss, Colonious David, Charles J. Ingram.
Cinematographer: Benjamin P. Speth.
Composer: Michael Rohatyn.
1997 Sundance Film Festival – Dramatic – Nominated for the Grand Jury Prize.
English CC are available for this film, to enable them on the video player click on the cogwheel, click on the last option (субтитры), and finally, select “En (SDH)”.
Here’s another film that needed extra work so that I could share it in the best quality, at the time of writing this this film is yet to be released on Bluray so on home video you can only find it on a 2002 DVD (now OOP) by Strand Releasing, however, a pretty good looking HD copy surfaced in one of the “premium” streaming services in the U.S. almost 2 years ago, the source of this copy (additional thanks to kuchu @PTP for the rip), while the image was a big upgrade compared to the DVD release unfortunately the audio was a huge downgrade with a totally dead, muffled and waaaay too denoised audio track, it was so bad that at times it was very hard to understand the dialogue, for this reason I decided to use the audio from the DVD instead, it really was like night and day, SO much better, now it can be watched properly. This couldn’t have been possible without the MASSIVE help from the very kind Nicolò Grasso who did all the audio synching work. Thanks again, Nico!
Many thanks for this! A terribly hard film to find, I agree.
hello! can you update the download link? it’s expired.
Hi Alvin,
I’ve added a new link just now, please refresh.
Enjoy! 🙂
Hi! Thank you for this. I can watch the video in browser but is there a way to download so I can watch offline? The download link underneath the streaming window doesn’t seem to work. Thanks!
Hi Sam,
Sorry about that I’ve added a new link now, you should be able to download it now.
Enjoy! 🙂
amazing thank you!