Category: Pre Code

February 16, 2019 / Pre Code

After Smoke wins the Blake ranch in a poker game, Blake commits suicide and Smoke deeds the ranch to Blake’s young daughter. But the Sheriff is after the ranch and has Smoke arrested for the murder of Blake and then brings in an impostor to pose as the girl’s relative.

January 22, 2019 / Pre Code

“Lightnin'” Bill Jones and Mrs. Jones are co-owners of a hotel built right on the borderline between California and Nevada, used as the temporary home of divorcing wives so that they may pretend to be in the “California” half of the hotel while establishing residency in the “Nevada” half. Lightnin’ befriends lawyer John Marvin  at present residing in the California half to avoid arrest on a trumped-charge. When Lightnin’ refuses to sell his share of the hotel to a gang of stock crooks headed by Raymond Thomas, Mary is coerced into divorcing her husband so that she can sign over the deed herself.

January 19, 2019 / Pre Code

In this comedy, a Yiddish fellow cannot keep from kibitzing into other people’s lives. Trouble ensues when he is mistakenly given a huge fortune in stocks that he can spend any way he pleases. At the same time, his daughter has fallen in love with an impoverished, but good hearted boy.

January 2, 2019 / Pre Code

A free-spirited bartender on a tropical island has a reputation as a “pagan lady”, who hops from man to man and bed to bed. The young son of the island’s fire-and-brimstone evangelist arrives on the island, falls in love with her and proposes marriage. The proposal affects her in a way she hadn’t planned on. 

December 21, 2018 / Pre Code
December 12, 2018 / Pre Code

The Conquering Horde is a remake of the 1924 western epic North of 36, using generous amounts of stock footage from the original. The story takes place in post-Civil War Texas, where the local cattlemen are suffering from their inability to get their livestock to market. Dan McMasters, a Yankee war hero, is sent from Washington to help set up a safe and efficient passageway for the cattle drovers — thereby earning himself the enmity of the local land barons who’ve been charging the cattlemen exorbitant fees to trek across their land. A romantic subplot involves McMasters and Yank-hating rancher Taizie Lockhart.

December 6, 2018 / Pre Code

Bob plays football badly so his father Coach Dudley, his girlfriend Dorothy and his school reject him. He joins a rival college team and aims to defeat his dad’s team.

December 2, 2018 / Pre Code