O Sangue (Blood), tells the story of seventeen-year-old Vincente and his ten-year-old brother, Nino, who must face the departure of their abusive father and its aftermath. With the aid of Vicente’s girlfriend, Clara, the trio attempts to pick up the pieces of their fractured family life while confronting an unwelcomed uncle and mobsters who try to collect debt that their father left behind.
Category: Mystery
Using almost no dialogue, the film follows a number of residents (both human and animal) of a small rural community in Hungary – an old man with hiccups, a shepherdess and her sheep, an old woman who may or may not be up to no good, some folk-singers at a wedding, etc. While most of the film is a series of vignettes, there is a sinister and often barely perceptible subplot involving murder.
A man gets involved in a kidnapping scheme with the wife of a wealthy businessman. She lets herself be tied up and confined in his house while he sends the ransom demand. When he returns home that night, however, he finds her laying dead on the floor. In a panic he buries her body deep in the woods and tries to return to his ordinary life. One day, he thinks he spots her walking down the street. Is his mind playing tricks on him, or has she somehow returned from the grave?
Werckmeister Harmonies, Béla Tarr’s transfixing follow-up to his seven-hour epic Satantango, is one of the Hungarian auteur’s signature achievements and a benchmark work of contemporary art cinema. Based, like Satantango, on a novel by László Krasznahorkai, the film is set in a dreary, wintry East European village, where the arrival of a strange travelling circus, and a sinister zealot known as The Prince, unleashes destructive forces that plunge the community into madness, murder, and revolution.
Shopkeeper Theo and his live-in lover, Vivien, ease their weariness with one another by pretending to be characters from the famous Dr. Crippen murder case during lovemaking. When gorgeous bisexual photographer Reingardsees them in the act, she takes up residence in the next room and begins photographing them during sex. As Reingard becomes further enmeshed in the threesome, she pushes Theo into a fantasy that may have dire consequences.
Professional gambler Dan Crown arrives in San Juan to visit his brother Alex, only to learn from the police that Alex has been found murdered. To Captain Acosta’s questioning, Dan answers that he had no knowledge of his brother’s affairs. Dan then finds Gina Rosario searching his hotel room, and together they begin to investigate Alex’s death.
After Liptus arrives in a small village from the city, he calls his best friends, Miron and Melita, on winter holidays in Kopacevo. That same night, while they are all sleeping cozily, from their deep sleep Miron and Melita are woken by the disturbing sounds of villagers, carrying flares and disappearing into the darkness at the end of the street. At the docks, they find Halasz, a boy known for his bravery. He is cold, pale from shock, and babbling a white ghost. While most of the villagers don’t believe Halasz’s story, older citizens recall a long time ago when a forgotten spirit would scare people at night in dark and foggy swamps.