Dreams Come True (1984)


Boy discovers how to dream travel. Only in this senerio he appears in real life at the location of his dreams while his “other” body lies in bed. He then teaches his girlfriend how to dream travel and together they share the adventures of their dreams.

Director: Max Kalmanowicz.
Stars: Michael Sanville, Stephanie Shuford, Ken Charlton, Steve Charlton, Bert Kinyon, Nancy Baldwin, Ann Ginke, Jeffrey Radell, Bob Heise, Mark Schumerth, Richard France, Jim Lehnedorf, Steve Kraft, Dave Benton, Doug Erikson.


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  1. Peter Strauss
    November 26, 2021

    Been waiting and looking for this film for years, whomever put this on Is a hero.

    • Paul
      June 14, 2024

      I think I watched it around 1987/88 or 89 and loved it so much I copied it on VHS and haven’t seen it since the late 80s so yes, hero…

  2. Bruce Wayne
    July 7, 2024

    The link is not working please update the link

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