Raspad (1990) AKA Decay


Back from a job in Greece, journalist Aleksandr Zhuravlyov is greeted by family and friends with a party. It’s a nice homecoming until he receives an anonymous note claiming his wife has been sleeping with a Soviet bigwig. Furious and confused, Alex arranges to discuss the situation with his trusted friend Anatoli Stepanovich, who works at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. But, before they can meet, the plant explodes.

Director: Mikhail Belikov.
Stars: Sergey Shakurov, Tatyana Kochemasova, Stanislav Stankevich, Georgiy Drozd, Aleksey Serebryakov, Marina Mogilevskaya, Aleksey Gorbunov, Anatoli Groshevoy, Natalya Plakhotnyuk, Nikolai Dosenko, Valeriy Sheptekita, Valentina Masenko, Tarasik Mikitenko, Vladimir Olekseyenko, Olga Kuznetsova, Viktor Kondratyuk.

1990 Venice Film Festival – Nominated for the Golden Lion.


AKA Decay

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