La vis (1993) AKA The Screw


Mr. K. is very good with his hands. He is kept busy building a UFO (in French: Voluntarily Unidentified Objetct). He was about to stick the sharpened strip of his screwdriver into a screw, when he realized there was no slot in it. How horrible and disappointing. After an unforgettable dispute with his wife, he decided to go and fight with General Administration of the State Department Stores of the Non Ferrous Metals…

Director: Didier Flamand.
Stars: Jean Reno, Maïté Nahyr, François Berléand, Maurice Lamy, Jean Valière, Ged Marlon, Philippe Tessier, Lionel Goldstein.

1994 Academy Awards – Nominated for an Oscar for Best Short Film, Live Action.
1994 Chicago International Film Festival – Nominated for the Gold Hugo for Best Short Film.


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  1. Carly
    December 9, 2018

    No subtitles?

    • Jon W.
      December 9, 2018

      Subtitles aren’t really necessary for this one since the language it’s just a sort of eastern european gibberish.

  2. Carly
    December 14, 2018

    This was fantastic!

  3. Fariborz
    January 10, 2020

    Jon, I recently came to this site. Great idea of collecting forgotten films. Thank you.

  4. July 2, 2022

    The French for UFO is OVNI (Objet Volant Non-identifié), which means, precisely, ‘Unidentified Flying Object’! Have I missed a joke?

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