A delightful and moving coming-of-age story. One summer, three young boys take an increasing interest in an eccentric old man who lives alone in a house surrounded by an overgrown garden. The boys form a bond with the recluse and set about weeding and replanting the garden.
Director: Shinji Sômai. AKA The Friends
Writers: Kazumi Yumoto (based on the novel by), Yôzô Tanaka (screenplay).
Stars: Rentarô Mikuni, Naoki Sakata, Yasutaka Oh, Ken’ichi Makino, Naho Toda, Ritsuko Nemoto, Tsurube Shôfukutei, Minori Terada, Akira Emoto, Shigeru Yazaki, Chikage Awashima.
Cinematographer: Noboru Shinoda.
Composer: Sergio Assad.
Lovely film, Jon! Thanks for sharing!! And thanks again and again and again for this lovely site!
Big thanks, Jon!
delightful film
Lovely film — almost as good as the magnificent Moving. Long live rarefilmm!
Hi! Thanks a lot for this movie! I really enjoy japanese cinema in general and also loved this film! It’s really special to me also cause the soundtrack it’s performed by a brazilian guitar duo (Assad Brothers) that I like a lot too. Thanks again!