Actas de Marusia (1976) AKA Letters from Marusia


This Mexican film re-creates a dark chapter in the history of Chile. The scene is a small Chilean mining town in 1907. Suffering under the despotic rule of the British mine owners, the workers stage a revolt. The government’s solution is to utterly destroy the town rather than allow the rebellion to spread. Letters from Marusia was adapted from a novel by Patricio Manns, which in turn was based on eyewitness accounts of the 1907 massacre.

Director: Miguel Littin.
Stars: Gian Maria Volontè, Diana Bracho, Claudio Obregón, Eduardo López Rojas, Patricia Reyes Spíndola, Salvador Sánchez, Ernesto Gómez Cruz, Arturo Beristáin, Silvia Mariscal, Alejandro Parodi. AKA Letters from Marusia

1976 Academy Awards – Nominated for an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.
1976 Cannes Film Festival – Nominated for the Palme d’Or.


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  1. Michael
    December 9, 2018

    thank you Jon for very good film

  2. May 5, 2019

    Good film, Gian Maria Volontè is always awesome.

  3. Jarvis
    October 23, 2019

    Terrific film! entertains and educates!

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