La femme de chambre du Titanic (1997) AKA The Chambermaid on the Titanic


Horty, a French foundry worker, wins a contest and is sent to see the sailing of the Titanic. In England, Marie, saying she is a chambermaid on the Titanic and cannot get a room, asks to share his room. They do, chastely; when he awakens, she is gone, but he sees her at the sailing and gets a photo of her. When he returns home, he suspects that his wife Zoe has been sleeping with Simeon, the foundry owner. Horty goes to the bar, where his friends get him drunk and he starts telling an erotic fantasy of what happened with him and Marie, drawing a larger audience each night.

Director: Bigas Luna. AKA The Chambermaid on the Titanic
Stars: Aitana Sánchez-Gijón, Olivier Martínez, Romane Bohringer, Salvador Madrid, Didier Bezace, Aldo Maccione, Jean-Marie Juan, Arno Chevrier, Marianne Groves, Didier Benareau, Alberto Cassadie, Giorgio Gobbi, Yves Verhoeven, Enzo De Caro, Salvador Madrid, Barbara Lerici. AKA The Chambermaid on the Titanic


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  1. Steves
    April 4, 2018

    Awesome, Jon! Much appreciated, mate!

  2. Michael
    April 19, 2018

    thank you for this one

  3. Dennis Dunham
    April 19, 2020

    Fantastic movie. Anybody who would criticize this movie clearly doesn’t get it. Beautiful. It had been available on Amazon, but I’m glad to have streamed it. Fantastic directive acting everything

  4. Fox
    August 2, 2023

    This one seems to be missing.

    • Jon W.
      August 3, 2023

      Check again please, I just changed the link.

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