In this satirical comedy, Fred Amidon is a Fifth Avenue bank teller waiting for his divorce to be finalized to end his marriage to Rachel. He and fellow employee Pamela plan to marry once the ink dries on the decree. A Central Park picnic with Pamela finds Fred suffering a bee string on his chin, which he covers with a bandage. Fred then goes on a three-week vacation, and during that time he grows a beard because the bee sting makes it difficult to shave. He returns to work, and when he refuses to shave, he is branded a rebel and a symbolic hero in the worker struggle against management.
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A young geological engineer needs money to continue his investigations, and asks for the help of the owner of the most important mining empire in the area. She not only wants to destroy him, but to seize his rights over the lands.
Mike Dunmore is a popular store owner in a picturesque New England town who has been keeping something secret that he never learned to read or write, but when his grandson is found to also have a learning disability, the two will help each other.
Meredith Craig is a small-time lawyer that must defend Edward Lucas, a physician whose practice was ruined after a television show claimed that he sold illegal drug prescriptions. Edward wants Meredith to sue the show, stating that its host Bob Franklin was guilty of libel, as Edward claims innocence.
Piaf is a play by Pam Gems that focuses on the life and career of French chanteuse Edith Piaf. This biographical drama with music portrays the singer in as a self-destructive, promiscuous alcoholic and junkie who, in one controversial scene, urinates in public.
A sarcastic look at Senegal’s capital that followed the adventures of what the director described as a “somewhat immoral street urchin who is very much like myself”. The contest pits the non-conformist individual against an absurdly caricatured policeman who pursues the protagonist through comedically improbable scenarios. Badou Boy celebrates an urban subculture while parodying the state.
A government agent is sent to a western town to investigate attacks that the townspeople say are being commited by rampaging Apaches. The agent, however, suspects that different forces may be committing these crimes.
Three generations of a Scottish clan are chronicled in this melodramatic saga. The film starts with the death of a sickly med student in a Glasgow slum. His fiancee also dies in childbirth. Her brother, who survives, begins raising her baby girl who grows up to have an affair with a lab assistant. Her “father” disapprove and threatens to destroy the wedding.