Category: Drama

November 18, 2018 / Comedy


Two sisters, Amanda, 11, and Laurel, 16, run away from their different foster parents, sleeping in model homes, or wherever they can. But when Laurel becomes pregnant, they find they can’t make it through this crisis on their own. With nowhere else to turn, they decide to kidnap Elaine, a clerk in a baby supply store. But Elaine seems to need Manny and Lo just as much as they need her. 

November 18, 2018 / Drama

José Manuel Alcántara is a playwright of about fifty years. Because of the failure of his last work, or perhaps due to the abandonment of his wife, he decides to leave Madrid and settle in a city on the seashore. There he lives quietly, dedicated to his collaborations in radio and press. But suddenly, the “mistakes of the past” appear again. His son, singer and rock songwriter, appears suddenly, not to settle accounts, but for something bolder. An actress who was in love emerges one day in the theatrical billboards of the city. And her friend Lola will pose problems of compound interest to José Manuel.

November 15, 2018 / Drama
November 15, 2018 / Drama

The film, Emitai, is the story of the silent resistance among a Diola tribe in West Africa in early World War II. Desiring a strong army, the French tear through villages rallying up men to be transported to France while leaving the women behind to tend to children and the elderly. The tension between the army and villagers grow when the French demand access to their rice crop. The village resistance ends in violence and uproar because rice is not only essential but also sacred to the village.

November 14, 2018 / Drama

In the decades preceding World War II, American diplomat Alex Hazen watches the rise of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler but does not use any of his ambassadorial powers to intervene. Instead, Hazen subscribes to the dominant policy of appeasement, believing the belligerent dictators will eventually soften. Although married, he is in love with journalist Cassie Bowwman — but her feelings about the threat posed by fascism differs severely from his.

November 14, 2018 / Drama

“Ciske de Rat” belongs to dickensean model “little man’s hard life” and tells a deceptively simple story about a boy in modern Netherlands. Persecution, loneliness, adults’ hostility, fear, mixture of obstinacy and tenderness, and even an imprisonment. Excellent camera movement and delicate portraying of Ciske’s fragile soul put this film out of merely historical context and ensure the place in the Great Cinema History for it.

November 13, 2018 / Arthouse

This portrayal of the reunion of an estranged father and daughter is set against the backdrop of a theatrical production. The father Pierre is the artistic director of a theater, and when his daughter Manon lets him know that she is coming to see him after a year’s absence, Pierre decides to prepare for the meeting. He goes to the theater with his girlfriend Ariane and has the actresses in his troupe act out different aspects of his daughter’s character. Unfortunately, this is not adequate preparation, for when Manon does show up, nothing goes quite as he imagined.

November 10, 2018 / Drama

This film, set in Florida in the 1930s, involves an independent woman who marries a charming but wastrelly man much younger than herself. She tries to maintain equilibrium in the relationship despite her husband’s obvious preoccupation with the “gal young’un” who works as their housekeeper.