Permutations (1968)


An early example of computer generated animation; several hundred dots move about the screen according to a set of instructions in a graphics program which were input into a IBM digital computer and coloured by an optical printer.

“Action sequences, proceeding from order to disorder and back to ordered patterning, suggest a parallel to harmonic phenomena of the musical scale … The effect is to subtly generate and resolve tension – which is similar to the primary emotional power of music composition” – John Whitney.

Director: John Whitney Sr. (as John Whitney).
Writer: Jack Citron (computer program).
Cinematographer: John Whitney Sr. (uncredited).
Composer: Balachander.


Download in MP4 (576p Encode)

  Download in MKV (1080p Src. file)

Many thanks to AfterTheDeathOfArt for this good quality transfer from the 1984 John Whitney Laserdisc, it was exported in 1080p @60fps and at a very high bitrate, the source is obviously SD but still quality wise image, colours and sound are much better than other copies I’ve seen around of this same film.

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One Comment

  1. June 26, 2023

    Like, ease up on the bongos, man. They’re, like, really annoying, dig?

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