Year: 2022

July 25, 2022 / Animation

A series of strange abstract images are projected in a movie theater. An old man from Russia in the audience watches this and can make neither head nor tail of them. He heckles the picture, wondering out loud, “Vhat da hell is dis?” while irritating the other patrons around him. He comments outrageously the entire time, saying, “It must be some symbolism! I think it’s symbolic of… junk.”

July 25, 2022 / Animation

Animated drawings illustrate the life and explorations of Samuel de Champlain, founder of Québec City. The film follows Champlain from his first ambitions to map the New World and discover a passage to the sea, to his later dreams for New France.

July 25, 2022 / Comedy

The rich Haller family have lost nearly all their money after investing in the stock market. They need more money, but from where? They have a young house-maid, Sara, who inherits a fortune from a rich uncle in Australia. Sara is in love with the son in the family, Georg Haller, but he won’t marry for money. She has to spend all her money if she will ever marry him…

July 25, 2022 / Drama

Sexual escapades with a parade of beautiful women distract an American Author trying to establish himself in post WWI Paris. Henry, the young author, travels through brothels and the streets of Paris, making friends and falling in love along the way. The dark underbelly of the city is explored in nights of drunken revelry as Henry’s exploits become increasingly lascivious.

July 25, 2022 / Documentary

If one were to select the ten most significant events in American history, there would be no doubt that the death of President John F. Kennedy would be among the list. This is not only because of the fact that one of America’s most visionary presidents was cut down in the prime of his life, but because almost 60 years later after the fact, his assasination continues to be shrouded with mystery and controversy. This documentary presents the facts surrounding the events before, and ather that horrific moment in Dallas, and includes interviews of those who were on the scene not only at the tragic sight of the murder of JFK, but also a number of individuals who possess firsthand knowledge of everything from the politics of the day to the actualy autopsy performed on the president.

July 25, 2022 / Comedy

Spendthrift gives the modern viewer a pretty good idea how Hollywood planned to “mold” the image of new star Henry Fonda. The Lanky One is cast as a profligate, polo-playing playboy, married to a beautiful but superficial heiress (Mary Brian). They divorce, and the wife gets all the money. But the humbled (and impoverished) Fonda finds true love in the arms of Pat Paterson, who cares nothing for material things.

July 25, 2022 / Thriller

John Joseph Madden, a T-Man special agent goes undercover to rescue a kidnapped Treasury Department engraver from a counterfeiting gang led by Capper Stevens. He also has time to get involved with sisters Aimee and Verna Maxwell.

July 25, 2022 / Short

Eleven-year-old Frankie Dollar is the leader of an Aboriginal dance group, the Djarn Djarns. Theyr̉e in big demand today at the Cultural Centre, but Frankies̉ really in the doldrums because one year ago, to the day, his father died. Now he needs his friends more than ever.