The setting is a ”new” Tokyo suburb. The school is clean, well run, and the movie takes place in the five-day period before, during and after a ferocious, seemingly liberating typhoon, which five of the students endure while marooned in the school’s gymnasium.
Director: Shinji Sômai.
Stars: Yuichi Mikami, Youki Kudoh, Tomokazu Miura, Shigeru Benibayashi, Saburô Date, Tomiko Ishii, Minori Terada, Kaori Kobayashi, Toshiyuki Matsunaga, Yuka Ohnishi, Toshinori Omi, Makoto Satô. AKA Typhoon Club
Great work, Jon! Another gem!
Wow such a great unknown movie
I remember watching this in the mid 90’s and liking it, and I think I liked it a bit more this time round, its a lot darker than I remember, but still well worth a look.
Cheers Jon
Link is broken
Here you go Marco: