Month: April 2018

April 3, 2018 / Experimental

Vince arranges to meet Chi Chi, who he is having an illicit affair with. But she is killed in an accident. Vince’s sister fails in a suicide attempt but dies by electrocution as fog descends on the town, after a storm in which Vince is killed.

April 3, 2018 / Arthouse

Horty, a French foundry worker, wins a contest and is sent to see the sailing of the Titanic. In England, Marie, saying she is a chambermaid on the Titanic and cannot get a room, asks to share his room. They do, chastely; when he awakens, she is gone, but he sees her at the sailing and gets a photo of her. When he returns home, he suspects that his wife Zoe has been sleeping with Simeon, the foundry owner. Horty goes to the bar, where his friends get him drunk and he starts telling an erotic fantasy of what happened with him and Marie, drawing a larger audience each night.

April 3, 2018 / Film Noir

An actress, Jenny, is hitchhiking across the country when she is accidently struck by a car. The driver, Max Ducone, offers to take her into his home until she can resume traveling. Later Ducone’s wife is murdered and Jenny determines to find the killer. With the aid of detective Curtis, she discovers that Ducone is the murderer, having killed his wife in order to have the funds to finance his antique collection. 

April 2, 2018 / Drama

Set in 1943 Scotland during World War II, Janie is young housewife married to a man named Dongal, 15 years her senior. As part of a war rehabilation program, Janie and Dongal welcome three Italian P.O.W.’s to work on their farm and Janie soon falls in love and enters into a doomed affair with one of the Italians named Luigi.

April 2, 2018 / Comedy
April 2, 2018 / Drama

Five office friends meet up for a night on the town to celebrate the forthcoming marriage of one of them. As the night wears on and the drink starts to tell, they become more confidential in expressing their concerns and hopes.

April 1, 2018 / Film Noir

Remake of the 1931 original. In the city, someone is murdering children. The Police search is so intense, it is disturbing the ‘normal’ criminals, and the local hoods decide to help find the murderer as quickly as possible.