Extérieur, nuit (1980) AKA Exterior Night


Hoping to make a fresh start, Léo, a jazz musician, takes up temporary residence with his friend Bony, a young writer who is struggling to get his work published. One evening, Léo strikes up an acquaintance with a woman taxi driver, Cora; in spite of her impulsive and moody temperament, he cannot help being attracted to her. When Bony meets Cora, he too finds her irresistible, but he lacks Léo’s self-confidence to make his move. Cora is not a woman that any man can possess readily. She is like a wild animal, a creature that revels in its freedom. Will either Léo or Bony be able to tame her…?

Director: Jacques Bral.
Stars: Gérard Lanvin, Christine Boisson, André Dussollier, Jean-Pierre Sentier, Marie Keime, Élisabeth Margoni, Lydie Pruvot, Jean-Francis Gondre, Sylvie Pinel, Henri-Jacques Huet, Roland Dufau. AKA Exterior Night


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  1. James558
    March 14, 2018

    Very much appreciate this, Jon!

  2. Michael
    April 27, 2018

    He has not made many films and must confess have not seen any of Jacques Bral films. thank you for Extérieur, nuit.

  3. Lemmy
    May 25, 2019

    Thanks for making this one available, Jon! You’re a right swell fellow!!

  4. April 13, 2020

    Apathetic and inadvertent existentialists caught in the limbo between Post-punk and Yuppie greed. Very good for what it is, all three leads are interesting and at times photogenic. Gérard Lanvin could almost be playing a prequel (or sequel) to his role in Une Étrange Affaire of the following year (http://rarefilmm.com/2018/05/une-etrange-affaire-1981/) Like that film, though well-worth watching, Extérieur, Nuit, is too disheartening to watch twice . . . partly because it seems to me that Cora is confused and unhappy in her supposed freedom rather than revelling in it. I think I read somewhere a review that drew parallels with Scorsese’s Taxi Driver (1976) – and perhaps if you add the two crucial words “a French” Taxi Driver (which perhaps they do) there could be some mileage in the idea. Extérieur, Nuit, however, is far quieter and more reflective, and takes place in a milieu closer to Scorsese’s, After Hours (1985).

  5. L
    September 9, 2022

    I recommend ” La Maman et la Putain” ( The mother and The wore ) for those who liked this movie. it

  6. Maurice Grizzard
    October 5, 2022

    Having liked Christine Boisson in Antonioni’s “Identification of a Woman,” I sought out this film. It strikes me as laughably empty, right down to the jazz score. Christine is lovely, however, and she acts well. But there’s no plot here, or hardly any.

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