Category: Theatre

July 9, 2022 / Theatre

Based on the official transcripts of the investigation that followed after the very suspicious notorious death in prison of one of the most important leading men of the South African anti-apartheid movement, Steven Biko.

March 2, 2022 / Theatre

Oscar-nominee Sally Kellerman stars in Dorothy Parker’s 1929 O. Henry Prize-winning short story which poignantly chronicles the life of a vivacious showroom model and good-time party girl in the 1920’s who gives up her high-life for marriage to a traveling salesman – played by four-time Emmy winner John Lithgow. When he turns out to be a hard-drinking philanderer, the marriage deteriorates – and the now-blowsy and dissolute aging flapper turns to drinking for solace, moving from man to man as she sinks into an alcoholic haze. 

October 20, 2021 / Mini-Series

A television adaptation of Eugene O’Neil’s classic American drama of love, revenge, murder and suicide. Set against the backdrop of a small New England town, it is a post-Civil War saga of a fictionalized family in a sometimes idealized, other times reflected version of O’Neill’s own life and family.

September 1, 2021 / Theatre

An American Conservatory Theatre production of one of Rostand’s most celebrated plays. Rostand’s swashbuckling, romantic comedy is beloved for its tragic love story and its witty hero, Cyrano de Bergerac.

June 3, 2021 / Erotic

The infamous off-Broadway musical revue tackles the subject of sexuality, with skits by John Lennon, Samuel Beckett, Jules Feiffer and Sam Shepard, where one or more performers in either a state of undress, simulating sex, or both.

December 27, 2020 / Theatre
November 21, 2020 / Theatre

King Lear, old and tired, divides his kingdom among his daughters, giving great importance to their protestations of love for him. When Cordelia, youngest and most honest, refuses to idly flatter the old man in return for favor, he banishes her and turns for support to his remaining daughters. But Goneril and Regan have no love for him and instead plot to take all his power from him. In a parallel, Lear’s loyal courtier Gloucester favors his illegitimate son Edmund after being told lies about his faithful son Edgar. Madness and tragedy befall both ill-starred fathers.

November 19, 2020 / Theatre

A young man returns home from Vietnam blind. He is very bitter about the war and alienates his family and friends. This movie deals with the aftermath of war and how people react to it both veterans and their families.