Category: Blaxploitation

May 14, 2024 / Blaxploitation

The rugged world of those who built the Alaskan pipeline provides the backdrop for this drama featuring the non-singing film debut of soul-singer Gladys Knight (she and her Pips do sing on the soundtrack though). The story centers on her attempts to regain the love of her estranged husband who works up there. She goes to the wild, wooly town where he is based. There women are hard to find, and those who are there make big bucks selling themselves to lonely workers. Knight is a pretty woman so it doesn’t take long for the man who runs the town to try and convince her into becoming a high–priced prostitute. 

January 14, 2022 / Blaxploitation

Chris Munger directed this blaxploitation version of the popular skinflick Starlet! (1969). The story concerns Clara , an aspiring actress from the housing projects of Gary, Indiana, who goes to Hollywood in search of fame and fortune. Predictably, she is robbed, betrayed, and must hit the casting couch before her dreams can come true.

November 14, 2020 / Blaxploitation

A no-nonsense black politician runs for mayor in a racially torn town. His campaign team comes up with a brilliant idea of hiring blacks to cause havoc in town and force the scared white citizens to vote for him as the only one who can stop the violence!

November 14, 2020 / Blaxploitation

In this melodrama a mother tries to compensate for her feelings of inadequacy and failure as a parent to her own children by taking in a troubled foster child. As she struggles to make up for her past mistakes, her jealous daughters mistreat the girl.

November 14, 2020 / Blaxploitation

A woman buys an antique doll at a thrift store and does not realize that it is cursed. The doll uses its powers to seduce her while she is asleep and then escape back to the store. She starts to lose interest in sexual activities with her partners as the doll is able to give her a much better satisfaction, so she sets out to find it, but with deadly consequences.

August 10, 2019 / Blaxploitation

The film takes place in the space of four days in the life of Bob Jones, a black man who is constantly plagued by the effects of racism. Living in a society that is drenched in race consciousness has no doubt taken a toll on the way Jones behaves, thinks, and feels, especially when, at the end of his story, he is accused of a brutal crime he did not commit.

February 4, 2019 / Blaxploitation

In this crime drama, an African American ex-Army officer forms a militant organization to fight for equal rights and equal pay. Their trouble begins when he and his crusading commandos rob a factory to help pay the bail of jailed colleagues. Loosely based on the 1947 Carol Reed film “Odd Man Out.”