This film, set in Florida in the 1930s, involves an independent woman who marries a charming but wastrelly man much younger than herself. She tries to maintain equilibrium in the relationship despite her husband’s obvious preoccupation with the “gal young’un” who works as their housekeeper.
Director: Victor Nunez.
Stars: Dana Preu, David Peck, J. Smith-Cameron, Gene Densmore, Jennie Stringfellow, Tim McCormack, Casey Donovan, Mike Garlington, Marshall New, Bruce Cornwell, John Pieters, Gil Lazier, Tina Moore, Marc H. Glick, Kerry McKenney.
Thank you for fulfilling my request so quickly!
Some magnificent stuff, Jon! You keep surprising us with these little-seen gems! You’ve added some terrific stuff this week! Big thanks!