Babette s’en va-t-en guerre (1959) AKA Babette Goes to War


Beautiful housekeeper Babette travels to England after the Nazis invade her home country of France. There, the British intelligence officers devise a plan for Babette to sneak back into France, where she could use her feminine charm on key Nazi officer Schulz, gleaning valuable information for England. However, Babette, although willing and spirited, is naïve and untrained, making her less than ideal for matters of national security.

Director: Christian-Jaque. AKA Babette Goes to War
Stars: Brigitte Bardot, Jacques Charrier, Ronald Howard, Michael Cramer, René Havard, Mona Goya, Viviane Gosset, Robert Berri, Françoise Belin, Charles Bouillaud, Alain Bouvette, Max Elloy, Jacques Hilling, Ariane Lancell, Günter Meisner.


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  1. Tony Williams
    December 23, 2019

    Saw this when it was released in the UK in a badly dubbed version.

  2. Steve Burstein
    December 24, 2019

    With Max Elloy from Lauel and Hardy’s ATOLL K.

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