A opção (Ou: as rosas da estrada) (1981) AKA The Option


Winner of the Bronze Leopard at the Locarno Film Festival, Ozualdo R. Candeias masterpiece A OPÇÃO OU AS ROSAS DA ESTRADA combines masterful handheld documentary camerawork in black and white with staged action based on firsthand experiences to delve into the profoundly quotidian reality of a group of rural women who cut sugar cane and live modestly in ramshackle neighborhoods along the highway. Dreaming of a better life and with no other option than prostitution, many of them hit the road towards the big city, where new forms of exploitation awaits them.

Director: Ozualdo Ribeiro Candeias. AKA The Option
Writer: Ozualdo Ribeiro Candeias.
Stars: Carmem Angélica, Vilma Camargo, Nere de Passy, Jairo Ferreira, Alan Fontaine, Cristina Godinho, José Lopes, Lair Norton, Carmem Ortega, Zé Risonho, Virgílio Roveda, Júlia Veloso.
Cinematographer: Ozualdo Ribeiro Candeias.


Note: This is the only HD copy of this film out there and it already came with English hardsubs so unfortunately can’t provide a clean copy with softsubs for this one, sorry!

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