I Know Where I’m Going: Revisited (1994)


‘Nancy Franklin’ was so overwhelmed by the film I Know Where I’m Going! (1945) that she traveled from New York to the Western Isles of Scotland to see the places where it was made and to find out more about the people who made it. This documentary retraces her steps on a subsequent visit.

Director: Mark Cousins.
Stars: Ian Christie, Petula Clark, Mark Cousins, Sue Fink, Nancy Franklin, Wendy Hiller, Erwin Hillier, Kevin Macdonald, Neil MacKechnie, Donald MacQueen, Jimmy Robb, Martin Scorsese, Polly Sharp.
Cinematographer: Paul Gavin.


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One Comment

  1. Geert De Coster
    October 19, 2023

    I wished that I knew Nancy Franklin then to ask my questions. The movie has always been one of my favourites. I’ve been to Oban, Mull and Oban twice. It’s a wonderful place. Somehow I think that there’s now for sure need for a similar story told. Not really a remake but not really a rip off either. There’s still the wonder to be put in proper wording. I found it once in a little Anglican church on Anglesey. It’s a calling from both within and beyond. Very hard to discribe but glorious to experience. Thank you for posting the documentary online once again. The longing to feel the feelings again is great. I guess that it’s very spiritual. A lot more than just a love story. But then again there’s that too!

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