Between Time and Timbuktu (1972)


A poet-astronaut is shot through an area of space called the Chronosynclastic Infundibulum. He is duplicated into infinite copies of himself, each of whom finds himself in a bizarre situations on a different world. (These scenarios are all derived from the novels and short stories from Kurt Vonnegut Jr., including Cat’s Cradle, Welcome to the Monkey House, Harrison Bergeron, and Happy Birthday, Wanda June).

Director: Fred Barzyk.
Writers: Fred Barzyk, David R. Loxton, David Odell, Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (various writings).
Stars: Bruce Morrow, Dortha Duckworth, William Hickey, Ray Goulding, Bob Elliot, Franklin Cover, Russell Morash, John Devlin, Jay Garner, Kevin McCarthy, Edie Lynch, Jerry Gershman, James Sloyan, George Serries, Ashley Wescott, John Peters, Helen Stenborg, Hurd Hatfield, Dolph Sweet, Harriet Hamilton, Sam Amato, Benay Venuta, Carlton Power, Jean Sanocki, Jack Shipley, Alexis Hoff, Avind Harum, Frank Dolan, Susan Sullivan, Charles White, Philip Bruns, Ariana Munker, Page Johnson, MacIntyre Dixon.
Cinematographer: Boyd Estus.

1973 Hugo Awards – Nominated for Best Dramatic Presentation.


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One Comment

  1. Mike
    January 20, 2023

    Interesting as a seventies period piece. Low production quality. References to a number of Vonnegut works, but without context or coherence.

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