Wildrose (1984)


June Lorich works at the Mesabi Mine on Minnesota’s iron range. After an emotionally and physically abusive marriage, June is determined to make it on her own. But the worsening steel industry forces major cutbacks and June is bumped down to an all-male pit. She becomes the brunt of the other workers’ hostilities and is forced to fight against them – and the man she loves – to save her job.

Director: John Hanson.
Writers: Eugene Corr, John Hanson, Sandra Schulberg.
Stars: Lisa Eichhorn, Tom Bower, Cinda Jackson, James Cada, Dan Nemanick, Lydia Olsen, Bill Schoppert, James Stowell, Steve Yokam.

1984 Chicago International Film Festival – Nominated for the Gold Hugo.


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  1. Derek Rolando
    December 4, 2022

    I’m from the town this movie was filmed in. Also known as the home of the U.S. Hockey Hall of Fame. It’s nice to see images of Eveleth when it was booming. The time period of the 1970’s into the 1980’s was the peak of prosperity for the Iron Range. Even today it is still the only major economic industry for the area and surrounding towns. The towns themselves are slowly eroding away. The average household median income continuing to decline the business and industry of the area has never really diversified away from the mines. This movie itself would have its story retold in the form of North Country which was also filmed in the same area. The Rosevelt Bar you can walk into today and it looks exactly the same as it did when this movie was made.

  2. Ken Whiteman
    June 19, 2024

    I made the small log building for this movie. It’s good to see the movie is still out there.

  3. June 19, 2024

    I made the tiny little log building for this movie. The very first log building I was paid for.

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