Die verkaufte Braut (1932) AKA The Bartered Bride


An adaptation of Bedřich Smetana’s opera The Bartered Bride. Set in 19th century Bohemia, the matchmaker Kezal wants to bring the mayor’s daughter Marie and the rich landowner’s son Wenzel together. Both of them, however, have already fallen in love with someone else. The endearing characters, a whimsical storyline and quiet humor combine with catchy tunes, a pastoral setting and fluid camera work. A last hurrah in the wanning days of Weimar cinema.

Director: Max Ophüls. AKA The Bartered Bride.
Writers: Curt Alexander (scenario), Robert Vambery (lyrics), Karel Sabina (libretto) (uncredited).
Stars: Max Nadler, Jarmila Novotna, Otto Wernicke, Hermann Kner, Maria Janowska, Paul Kemp, Karl Valentin, Liesl Karlstadt, Annemarie Sörensen, Willy Domgraf-Fassbaender.


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One Comment

  1. Steven Burstein
    November 11, 2021

    Legendary satirists Lisel Karlestadt and Karl Valentin continued under the Nazis, but with great difficulty. Paul Kemp remained a popular comic actor in Germany for years after this. Jarmila Novotna appeared in MGMs THE SEARCH in 1948.

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