In this futuristic martial arts thriller, kickboxing champ Chance O’Brien refuses to join a tournament featuring cyborg fighters, but when the event sponsor kidnaps his fiancée, Jo, Chance’s human powers are her only hope for survival.
Director: Albert Pyun.
Writers: Albert Pyun, Christopher Borkgren.
Stars: Keith Cooke, Tina Cote, Norbert Weisser, Gary Daniels, Thom Mathews, Selena Chau-yuet You, Tony Mabesa, Augusto Victa, Tim Thomerson, Burton Richardson, Jahi J.J. Zuri, Kelly Montgomery, Mary Courtney, Richard Olney, Trevor Benitez, Henry Strzalkowski.
Cinematographer: George Mooradian.
Composer: Anthony Riparetti.
Oh heck YES! Been after this for an age and a day so a BIG old thank you to you and to the work you’re doing.
Regards, KG
Thanks for the upload!