Goodbye, New York (1985)


A young New York woman, devastated to find out that her husband has been cheating on her, decides to hop a plane to Paris to get away. However, she falls asleep on the plane, misses her connection, and winds up in Israel, with no money, no luggage and no friends.

Director: Amos Kollek.
Writer: Amos Kollek.
Stars: Julie Hagerty, Amos Kollek, Shmuel Shiloh, Aviva Ger, David Topaz, Moscu Alkaly, Jennifer Babtist, Christopher Goutman, Chaim Girafi, Hanan Goldblatt, Mosko Alkalai, Ya’ackov Ben-Sira, Chaim Banai, Irit Ben Zur, Chaim Jeraffi, Bella Ben David, Moshe Ish-Kassit.


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One Comment

  1. kay
    June 14, 2024

    If only I thought of you sooner! My dad is in this movie, he’s one the road kissing rabbi’s and we’ve been looking for a copy since forever. The film has an abhorrent reputation in Israel and is very tough to find but I honestly thought it was alright. This site was my to go all throughout middle school and it’s good to have you back!

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