The Wrong Address (1995)


A film by Krzysztof Zanussi inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s painting “The Lady with an Ermine”. The director takes us to the Museum Czartoryski in Cracow where he presents his favourite painting and with the aid of video effects, he wryly invites us to compare “The Lady with an Ermine” with the better known “Mona Lisa”.

Director: Krzysztof Zanussi.


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  1. Jarvis
    May 19, 2020

    Really interesting Zanussi museum tour. I could not trace it though on imdb, which is so odd. Any clues, anyone?

    • Jon W.
      May 20, 2020

      It was part of “Picture House” – a series of short films commissioned by Arts Council England to broadcast on the BBC. Each director was invited to direct a film inspired by a painting of their choice, the other short films part of this series (which I’ll be also uploading) are:
      Bathing Boxes, directed by Ann Turner
      Wind Water, directed by Raoul Ruiz
      Odilon Redon, or the Eye Like a Strange Balloon Mounts Toward Infinity, directed by Guy Maddin
      Untitled: New Blue, directed by Paul Schrader
      A Portrait of Arshile, directed by Atom Egoyan
      and Duo, directed by Claire Denis

      • February 12, 2024

        Hi Jon!
        Are you still planning on uploading a copy of Bathing Boxes? Been searching around for a copy for a project on Australian queer film I’m working on, and not getting any leads other than this comment.

  2. Jarvis
    May 20, 2020

    Thanks Jon! Looking forward to the rest of the films! Still, though, ‘Picture House’ is also not registered on imdb, (At least, I couldn’t locate it.) This makes rarefilmm repertory even more rare! 🙂

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