Kiss or Kill (1997)


Traumatized by a horrific incident from her childhood, petty criminal Nikki picks up lonely businessmen and robs them with the help of her faithful boyfriend, Al. After one of their marks accidentally ends up dead, the couple discovers he was in possession of a videotape that shows football legend Zipper Doyle committing sex crimes. Soon the lovers are being chased through the Australian outback by both Zipper and the police.

Director: Bill Bennett.
Stars: Frances O’Connor, Matt Day, Barry Langrishe, Chris Haywood, Andrew S. Gilbert, Julie Sobotta, Syd Brisbane, Liz Windsor, Paul Rees, Audine Leith.

1997 Chicago International Film Festival – Nominated for the Gold Hugo.


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  1. Lemmy
    June 15, 2019

    Right on, Jon!

  2. Wolfgang Jahn
    September 24, 2023

    Good neo-noir movie, lotta style, liked it. Only the ending is a bit awkward.

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