The third installment of Oliveira’s Tetralogy is a brilliant and devastating portrait of young lovers tragically separated by a bitter feud between their aristocratic families. In Doomed Love Oliveira tested his belief in a creative merging of theatrical, literary and cinematic narrative traditions. His radical approach to adaptation captures the multilayered language of Camilo Castelo Branco’s eponymous epic novel to offer a virtual phenomenology of life and love in 18th century Portugal. After a disastrous premiere on Portuguese television, the theatrical release of Oliveira’s re-edited version was quickly hailed as a landmark in the history of the European art film.
Director: Manoel de Oliveira. AKA Doomed Love
Writers: Camilo Castelo Branco (novel), Manoel de Oliveira.
Stars: António Sequeira Lopes, Cristina Hauser, Elsa Wallencamp, António Costa, Henrique Viana, Ruy Furtado, Ricardo Pais, María Dulce, Maria Barroso, João Bénard da Costa, Adelaide João, Lia Gama, Manuela de Freitas, Vanda França, Manuela de Melo, Henrique Espírito Santo, Pedro Pinheiro, João César Monteiro.
Cinematographer: Manuel Costa e Silva.
Many thanks for making this available, along with Acto da primavera!
Many thanks Jon for the 260′ version of this great film.
ummm, sounds like it has russian voiceover????
No Russian voiceover, the film is in portuguese.