Towers of Silence (1975)


Tells a story of a Pakistani boy’s experience and obsession with death and the Zoroastrian rituals of purification and regeneration. Shows how he develops into a young revolutionary and confronts love, religious conflict, and his own death.

Director: Jamil Dehlavi.
Stars: Judy Van Hook, Jamil Dehlavi, Jalal Khan, Ajaz Ahmed, Zahoor Ahmad, Zakir Changezi, Abdul Abid, Akbar Chalcal, Omar Daraz, Abdul Kabuli, Tom Klunis, Miriam Goldina, Tomejo Trujillo.


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  1. Khizar Saleem
    December 26, 2020

    Hello, is there any way to watch this film? P.S, I’m so happy that this site came back. Whoever is running this site is one badass human being.

    • Jon W.
      December 26, 2020

      That person would be me :p
      Thanks for the support, Khizar! Please refresh the page I just changed the streaming link.

      • Khizar Saleem
        December 26, 2020

        Thank you so much!!!

  2. February 16, 2024

    The movie had great cinematography. The director maintained a dark and gloomy atmosphere throughout the scenes, while also connecting them with mystery. However, the director exhibited a significant obsession with death, which does not align with Zarathustra’s teachings. Zarathustra emphasizes the importance of life over death, with death representing Ahriman and light representing Ahura Mazda.

    The director’s fixation on death carried out even the portrayal of life, such as the scene in the breaking of a turtle’s egg. Love was also portrayed in a dark manner, and the overall tone of the movie was serious and gloomy. Even the director’s own fate within the narrative was bleak, and the movie concluded with a theme of death. A movie about Zarathustra should instead focus on themes of light, love, progression, growth, and consciousness.

    “Zarathustra, amongst all the religious founders, is the only one who is life-affirmative, who is not against life, whose religion is a religion of celebration, of gratefulness to existence. He is not against the pleasures of life, and he is not in favor of renouncing the world. On the contrary, he is in absolute support of rejoicing in the world, because except for this life and this world, all are hypothetical ideologies. God, heaven and hell, they are all projections of the human mind, not authentic experiences; they are not realities. Zarathustra is unique. He is the only one who is not against life, who is for life; whose god is not somewhere else; whose god is nothing but another name for life itself. And to live totally, to live joyously and to live intensely, is all that religion is based on.”
    (Zarathustra: A God that Can Dance by Osho)

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