Last Train from Bombay (1952)


Martin Viking, an American diplomat in India, is falsely accused on the killing of an Indian dignitary and sets out to prove his innocence while trying to find the location of explosions planed on a Bombay train by a group of terrorists.

Director: Fred F. Sears.
Stars: Jon Hall, Christine Larsen, Lisa Ferraday, Douglas Kennedy, Michael Fox, Donna Martell, Matthew Boulton, James Fairfax, Gregory Gaye, Ken Terell, Frederich Berest, Barry Brooks.


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One Comment

  1. Steve
    January 6, 2024

    Pretty corny, but watchable. The hero is a nice-guy version of James Bond, escaping one jam after another with exceptional bravery, ingenuity, fighting prowess, and technical skills. Credit due for not using western actors with makeup for Indians.

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