The Invincible Six (1970)


Based on the story “The Heroes of Yucca,” The Invincible Six features a ragtag group of jewel thieves who become the unofficial guardians of a small Iranian village. When bandits attack the village, looking for the body of their former leader and his treasure map, the Invincible Six are there to save the day, wooing the local females and frustrating the new leader of the bandits.

Director: Jean Negulesco.
Stars: Stuart Whitman, Elke Sommer, Curd Jürgens, Ian Ogilvy, Behrouz Vossoughi, Lon Satton, Isarco Ravaioli, James Mitchum, Warrene Ott, Anoush Artin, Warrene Ott, Shai Nazemi, Manoocher Naderi, Homayoon Bahadoran, Amir Jafari, Pouri Baneai.


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One Comment

  1. simon shwimer
    February 22, 2019

    i was looking for this film because the music was by MANOS HADJIDAKIS other wise the movie is ok filmed in IRAN when they supported a lot of foreign films

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