Emitai (1971)


The film, Emitai, is the story of the silent resistance among a Diola tribe in West Africa in early World War II. Desiring a strong army, the French tear through villages rallying up men to be transported to France while leaving the women behind to tend to children and the elderly. The tension between the army and villagers grow when the French demand access to their rice crop. The village resistance ends in violence and uproar because rice is not only essential but also sacred to the village.

Director: Ousmane Sembene.
Stars: Andongo Diabon, Robert Fontaine, Michel Renaudeau, Ousmane Camara, Pierre Blanchard, Ibou Camara, Alphonse Diatta.


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  1. Michael
    December 29, 2018

    I am a great fan of Sembene’s films and good to have this one in my collection. Thanks Jon

    • Jon W.
      May 24, 2024

      Thanks Ryan, will be removed after this weekend.

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