Du côté d’Orouët (1971)


A patient observation on the adventures a group of three young girls spending their three-week summer vacation at a small village, a quotidian that includes cooking, excursions, playing cards and going out with guys, enjoying the simple pleasures life has to offer.

Director: Jacques Rozier.
Writers: Jacques Rozier (scenario and dialogue), Alain Raygot (scenario collaborator).
Stars: Danièle Croisy, Françoise Guégan, Caroline Cartier, Bernard Ménez, Patrick Verde.

Cinematographer: Colin Mounier.
Composers: Daevid Allen, Gong, Gilli Smyth.


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  1. LG
    September 17, 2018

    Thank you for all the Rozier!

  2. Vlad
    September 17, 2018

    Valuable films! Jon, your continued efforts to make Rarefilmm as extensive and as diverse as possible is truly remarkable.

  3. Michael
    October 23, 2018

    mesmerizing film, thanks Jon. Your taste in films is remarkable

  4. Alif
    April 4, 2020

    Proprly ingajing film!

  5. Thomas Genicq
    February 27, 2023

    I watched Du Côté d’Orouët about 4 months ago.
    I loved it!
    It was nicely filmed.
    Splendid views of the Sea side and storm and waves…
    I really like that Breton actor Bernard Menez.
    I didn’t know it was his first film.
    They all play very naturally. There is some melancoly but it’s never very sad.
    Sad I was to discover that one of the pretty and charming actresses died in the 90s.
    I shall be looking for all their films.
    And also that very capable filmmaker I must watch more of his work.
    Was it released in Blu Ray disc?
    Watching this movie is a refreshing delight.

    • Jon W.
      February 28, 2023

      Hey Thomas, glad you enjoyed it!
      Rozier’s films have only been released in France and only on DVD so far no Blurays yet but maybe soon, hopefully, would be nice to see a Bluray release of at least some of his films before Rozier passes (he’s 96 years old!), a little hommage in life you know, I’m sure he would really appreciate that.
      Thanks for commenting! 🙂
      Take care,

  6. Acoutrama
    February 27, 2023

    Thanks for all the work to keep this site going! Really interesting stuff!!

  7. Eskomosdontwearties
    June 1, 2023

    A super-subtle film about cruelty and the thin line between intentional and non-intentional cruelty, but done with such good humor and upbeat energy that you hardly notice the depth of the exploration until it hits you like a brick later in the film and keeps going until the amazing, super-ambiguous last scene in the cafe.
    with the cute girl (Joelle / aniel Croisy) who rejected the awkward but funny guy now amused that he has found another employee to pursue but one who seems to actually like him.

    She whispers conspiratorially with her co-worker girlfriends at her table, then looks over at him with a devlish grin on her face as he’s talking with his lunch date about his vacation (the tables are right next to each other and can somewhat overhear each other’s conversations). He sees her smiling, gets slightly nervous but then regains his composure, seeing how the girl he is with now is so much more receptive to him.

    Then we see a reverse angle of the girl (Joelle) going from the grin to a deeply sad, blank expression as if, for a moment at least, she realizes the emptiness of her life and maybe even the same thing that her friends realized at the end of the vacation: that this guy, with all his awkwardness, was the reason they had so much fun, and maybe she was wrong to treat him like a bore and a fool, because she seems to be just as much a bore and a fool, and maybe she’d like to hang around him again, but now he’s hurt and it’s probably too late and besides, he might he might try to pursue her again, etc. All these things pass through the perceptive viewer’s head without being verbalized through the magic of a few masterfully acted cinematic images cut together in perfect rhythm

    So ambiguous and great. A masterpiece on a level with the best of Rohmer’s films, and so much longer than any of Rohmer’s films. It takes its time and lets you hang out with the characters as if you were on vacation with them.

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