Kon Ichikawa’s rich adaptation of Natsume Soseki’s classic novel depicts a complex relationship between a student and an older man he calls “sensei.” The older man’s relations with his wife seems curiously strained to the student. When the boy goes to the country to tend to his dying father, he learns that “sensei” committed suicide.
Director: Kon Ichikawa. AKA The Heart / こころ
Stars: Masayuki Mori, Michiyo Aratama, Tatsuya Mihashi, Shôji Yasui, Tanie Kitabayashi, Akiko Tamura, Mutsuhiko Tsurumaru, Tsutomu Shimomoto, Masami Shimojô, Akira Hisamatsu, Tomoko Naraoka, Zenji Yamada, Keiji Itami, Kiyoshi Kamoda, Nobuo Kawakami.
As a Kon Ichikawa.fan, like to say THANK YOU. One of my favourites
Who walks past in the last shot?
I always called him “Sensei.”