Category: Short

March 8, 2020 / Experimental
February 29, 2020 / Documentary

A short documentary made in 1963 by Jerzy Bossak and Wacław Kaźmierczak featuring unique archival footage of the Jewish Ghetto of Warsaw. The Warsaw Ghetto (pol. “Getto Warszawskie” ) was the largest of all Jewish Ghettos in Nazi-occupied Europe during World From there, about 254,000 Ghetto residents were sent to Treblinka extermination camp during the three months of summer 1942.

February 26, 2020 / Short

A very Parisian night. Paul plans to strangle Colette because she doesn’t inspire him a single, damn camera shot. Early in the morning, he takes flight because the future is for those who get up early. Was it too late? It’s too early to say.

February 1, 2020 / Experimental

0cm4 is the philosophical story of a color-blind man called Maeda who decides to have an operation to cure his vision. The problem is that he is not quite sure if he wants to do it, as he thinks that everybody else in the world sees things differently. He’s afraid that after the operation, his world is not going to be the same.

February 1, 2020 / Documentary

This film features interviews with a number of hearing-impaired women (no men), often in their homes, where they discuss their use of sign language.

January 19, 2020 / Short

A young man picks his girlfriend up at her family home and meets her parents. The normal dialog occurs. However, what everyone it thinking occurs as voice-overs and it is hilarious!

January 12, 2020 / Drama

As the soirée goes on inside the elegant townhouse, why are people being rounded up in the street? And what is really being said behind the smokescreen of cultivated cocktail party chitchat about health clubs and island retreats? Employing the original cast from the Almeida Theatre production and directed by Pinter himself, this 1992 production of Party Time—a surreal drama of mannerly rudeness, emotional violence, and sexual tyranny—’bears all the hallmarks of Pinter’s strength,’ says critic Christopher Edwards, of The Spectator (London).

January 11, 2020 / Experimental


Zoltán Huszárik paints a lyrical portrait of the Hungarian-born sculptor Amerigo Tot, who achieved world fame in Italy. The associative short film focuses on the inspirations of creation, the relationship between man and his creative work, which are fed by the experiences of everyday life and the materiality of objects. The series of milestone works in his career are counterpointed by the episode when the artist returned to Hungary. Here, too, Huszárik worked together with János Tóth, who as cinematographer and editor contributed to the unique ambience of this portrait film, the audio-collage accompanying the images is the work of Péter Eötvös.