Oscar (1985)


Set in 1894, when Oscar Wilde’s close friendship with Bosie Douglas provokes a quarrel with Bosie’s father, Lord Queensberry. Oscar eventually charges Lord Queensberry with criminal libel. However, the libel suit spectacularly backfires. This BBC miniseries charts the steady slide into disrepute of the notable author and playwright, and stars (a very young) Michael Gambon in the title role.

Director: Henry Herbert.
Writer: John Hawkesworth.
Stars: Michael Gambon, Robin McCallum, Tim Hardy, Karl Howman, John Hudson, Bryan Murray, Nick Reding, Emily Richard, Norman Rodway, Michael Pennington, Neil Cunningham, Russell Grant, Jonathan Haley, Will Knightley, Jonty Lovell, David Ballantyne, John Baker, Michael Beint, Betsy Brantley, James Bryce, Sarah Bullen, Robert Burbage, Peter Cellier, Rita Davies, Michael Gaunt, Kim Hicks, Ian Holt, Noel Johnson, Russell Kilmister, Anne Lambton, John Leeson, Peter Mackriel, Stuart McGugan, Bernard Miles, Bruce Payne, Neville Phillips, Pat Quayle, Martyn Read, John Repsch, Colin Rix, Helen Shingler, Richard Simpson, Christopher Saul, Nigel Stock, Catherine Strauss, Donald Sumpter, Ian Thompson, Bruno Tonioli, Harry Walker, Stephen Warden, Paul Williamson, Jerome Willis, David Collings, James Bree, Richard Owens, William Fox, Ken Sharrock, Anouschka Menzies, James Coyle, Amanda Garwood, Norman Rutherford, Kevin White, Michael Sadler.
Cinematographer: Garth Tucker.
Composer: Carl Davis.




RIP Michael Gambon (1940-2023).

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One Comment

  1. clare zall
    November 24, 2023

    Lovely series, beautifully acted.

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