Protozoa (1993)


Darren Aronofsky’s AFI short opens with angry slacker Dave sitting in a dreary, empty junk yard. Dave stares into space, sips beer, and beats the hell out of a cracked guitar. We quickly realize the emptiness of the dump parallels the emptiness of Dave’s life which consists of smoking weed, staring at television screens and watching mentally retarded school children. Dave’s friend Pete is shortly introduced, along with their friend, Ari, who despite calling her pals losers, doesn’t seem to accomplishing much herself. These three are going nowhere fast. They’re the amoebas of life… protozoa….

Director: Darren Aronofsky.
Writer: Darren Aronofsky.
Stars: Michael Bonitatis, Lucy Liu, Damon Whitaker.


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  1. Jonathan Shapiro
    February 20, 2021

    Thank you so much! I hope this is the first of many ultra-elusive AFI shorts like Martin Breast’s Hot Dogs for Gaugin (impossible to see in its full length), Amy Heckerling’s Getting it Over With, and even Terrence Malick’s Lanton Mills

  2. Vidor
    February 21, 2021

    Oh man, I’d love to see “Hot Dogs for Gauguin”.

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