Ukrainskaya rapsodiya (1961) AKA Ukrainian Rhapsody


Singer Oksana has lost her beloved in the war. Everyone thinks he perished, but actually he was taken prisoner, then ran away, hid, fell into American hands, and… finally, he returns to his village, and meets Oksana.

Director: Sergei Parajanov. AKA Ukrainian Rhapsody
Writer: Aleksandr Levada (story and screenplay) (as A. Levada)(story).
Stars: Olga Reus-Petrenko, Eduard Koshman, Yuriy Gulyayev, Yevgenia Miroshnichenko, Natalya Uzhviy, Aleksandr Gai, Valeriy Vitter, Stepan Shkurat, Sergey Petrov, Ekaterina Litvinenko, Konstantin Stepankov, Svetlana Konovalova, Dmitriy Kapka, Nikolay Slobodyan, A. Pospelov.


AKA Украинская рапсодия / Ukrainian Rhapsody.

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One Comment

  1. Øivind Aas
    November 11, 2021

    Man, was this a beatutiful movie!

    Lovely music and a moving story

    The cinematography and the use of colors make this film desperately in need for a digital resoration, in 4K if possible.

    A must-see especially if one is a fan of Parajanov, opera and Sovjet-cinema

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