The Movie Orgy (1968)


Inspired by Susan Sontag’s well known essay ‘Notes on Camp’, as well as the very successful rerelease of the 1943 serial BatmanThe Movie Orgy is a mind-boggling patchwork of 50s, 60s and 70s television and cinema, conceived by Joe Dante as a film student in Philadelphia.

Director: Joe Dante.


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  1. Nick
    September 6, 2019

    I’ll settle down & watch this for the next 5 hours! Many thx for this great website of Forgotten Films!

  2. Gerald L. Austin
    January 28, 2024

    Very nice mix. Rather helter skelter but I sure liked seeing bits of television shows that I used to watch. Actually I started watching some of the same shows in their more earlier versions, for instance Sky King flew an older radial-engined plane, the Buster Brown show was originally instead of Andy’s Gang, it was Ed’s Gang.
    The religious zealots have attacked this because of the title image. I missed out on a lot of it because of stoppages and other forms of hacking.

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