Things in Their Season (1974)


A sentimental family drama about the growing apart — and together — of a household of Wisconsin dairy farmers when the son decides to get married and move away and the mother discovers she has incurable leukemia and only a short time to live.

Director: James Goldstone.
Writer: John Gay.
Stars: Patricia Neal, Ed Flanders, Marc Singer, Meg Foster, Charles Haid, Doreen Lang, Med Flory, Jim Kasten, Oliver Jacques, A.R. Bowles, James Esch, Ron Timm, Sharon Rybacki, Marcie Reiche.


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  1. Sherry Zeitler
    June 3, 2019

    I have been looking for this movie for years now!!

    • Bob Hensel
      March 29, 2020

      Sherry Zeitler…… so have I. I saw it as a TV movie when it came out in 1974 and recently have been looking for it to play on Hallmark. To my surprize, they didnt carry it and I was heartbroken and gave up, figuring I would never see it again. My daughters did a search and found it. So far, I;ve watched it on my cell phone which has a screenof 3 X 5 and hoping to get it to view on my TV. . It touched my heart back in 74 and again in 2020.

  2. Patrick S Speedling
    November 8, 2022

    It touched my heart too. I’m 35, a man, and live in MN. I’m from South Carolina. There are so many women who look like her and many more that look like cousins of them… I think it’s the Cherokee…. Patricia niel was from Tennessee I believe and I’m from the same mountains but on the SC end. It makes me so sad to see she has gone and more and more from her generation are going and it makes me sad because it makes the past seem farther away and the present desperately endless. I wish we could go back to a more simple time. Our culture and society is falling off the cliff and I for one am not going. Fantastic movie.

  3. Liz Petty
    November 11, 2023

    I was so glad to see this movie! It was filmed in my hometown – Shawano, WI – when I was in high school. Several of us in town were extras in the movie – at the softball game and/or at the banquet. I haven’t seen it since it was released 49 years ago.

    • Wendy
      May 7, 2024

      Likewise, though I was still in Mom at the time. Still a time capsule for me; this wasn’t his route, but Dad was a milk hauler, and both my parents were raised on dairy farms.

      You want to know why I searched it out today? I was trying to remember what the Patio looked like. My oldest sister earned half her college tuition waitressing there (and she claims she can still carry five filled glasses in one hand).

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