Muž z prvního století (1962) AKA Man in Outer Space / The Man from the First Century


A workman is accidentally sent into outer space, where he meets an alien that can make himself invisible. They return to Earth in the year 2447. Complications ensue.

Director: Oldrich Lipský. AKA Man in Outer Space / The Man from the First Century
Stars: Miloš Kopecký, Radovan Lukavský, Anita Kajlichová, Vít Olmer, Lubomír Lipský, Josef Hlinomaz, Vladimír Menšík, Otomar Krejča. 

1962 Cannes Film Festival – Nominated for the Palme d’Or.


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  1. Steve Burstein
    December 15, 2018

    Miloš Kopecký continued acting in Czechoslovakia until his death in 1996, and had a big hit there with his version of Moritat(Mack the Knife).

  2. Steve Burstein
    December 15, 2018

    Shown on “Creature Feature”s on American TV in the 60s and 70s, with the Socialist propaganda intact.

  3. Sam
    December 26, 2023

    The file download work doesnt work anymore it seems? I just get a ‘the file does not exist’ message when I click the link

    • Jon W.
      December 26, 2023

      Hi Sam,
      Sorry about that, all download links are not working anymore, except for the new films I just posted few days ago and they need to be reuploaded due to new policies on the Ulozto website, you can download it with the link below:


      • Sam
        January 2, 2024

        Thank you! Is there a version without the hardsubbing at all? Hope that’s not too much effort to ask, also wish you the best with keeping these overlooked movies out there!

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