October 12, 2023 / Biography

Piano Solo tells the story of Luca Flores, a brilliant Italian musician. In Florence, Luca graduates with top honors in piano, but his destiny is not to become a classical pianist. He is curious to explore other worlds and meets young jazz enthusiasts who transmit their passion to him. Luca’s great talent, combined with constant practice, leads him to play with the greatest jazz musicians of the time, including Chet Baker. The film not only portrays his professional journey but also explores his loves, struggles, and inner turmoil as a young man who cannot come to terms with the ghosts of his past, ultimately leading to a tragic explosion of madness.

October 5, 2023 / Comedy
October 5, 2023 / Drama

Maicol’s mother Anita is distracted by too many concerns to pay him much mind, so Maicol seeks fulfillment in his inner life, which is very busy and rich. The five year-old has made a world for himself populated by situations and people from the movie Dune, and anything he says to anyone is unlikely to refer to anything else. When his unmarried working mother takes him with her to the train station for her rendezvous with her lover, he occupies himself during their long wait by exploring everything in sight. Unused to dealing with anything but his fantasy life, after he gets himself lost he is of no help to the police in their search for his mother.

September 15, 2023 / Animation

Too fast a pace of life in overcrowded, noisy and polluted cities make people sick, neuroses is a common occurrence. A man is trying to sleep but noises keep him up. Trying to stop the noise he reveals a bizarre mixture of sounds and images. The film explores what can happen to a man irritated by noise when all he wants is to peacefully read his newspaper. From being peaceful the man turns dangerous. He is ready to destroy. 

September 14, 2023 / Arthouse

The film is about the stories of three young people, Marisa, Anna and Enzo, whose situations develop alongside but without any link. Marisa, a modest shop assistant in a haberdasher’s, aims to become a singer: she will soon reach for success, thanks to a contest for new voices. Anna runs away from home to escape the lovely tyranny of her mother, but the life of a modern and free woman is very different from what she had in mind. Enzo, a boy with a head full of dreams frustrated by the misery of the reality that surrounds him, will try to escape the dullness of his existence by setting up a criminal operation.

September 14, 2023 / Spaghetti Western
September 11, 2023 / Drama
August 26, 2023 / Drama

In this effective though still slightly uneven drama about mental illness, the worsening condition of a highly disturbed son wreaks havoc on the rest of the family. Dario has episodes when he becomes violently insane yet his mother refuses to put him in an institution where he can be professionally helped. Her desperate clinging to the belief that Dario will get better starts to wear away the equilibrium of the two other members of the family, the father and Dario’s brother, Gabriele. In the end, the continued presence of Dario and his mother’s near-fanatical insistence that he will recover create tragic consequences for everyone.